Indonesian Student Association of James Cook University - PPIA JCU and The Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia, Canberra proudly present IndoFest 2008, the annual event of the North Queensland Indonesian Festival. This is the celebration of the 63th Indonesian Independence Day. We are Promoting Tropical Indonesia in Tropical North Queensland by addressing the challenge of cultural diversity through the multitude of material and immaterial attributes of arts and culture as well as ecotourism potency of Indonesian nature. For more info about IndoFest 2008 please visit our website: http://indofest-northqueensland.blogspot.com/.

The Committee
Chairperson: Maulita Sari Hani
Secretary: Zainul Hidayah
Treasurer : Annie Daryani
Events : Etha Eldridge (Coordinator), Vina Birbeck,
Johanna Kodoatie, Nurhayati Oakley
Community Affairs: Dian Latifah
Catering: Aji Harlawati (Coordinator), Yuli Santoso,
Yanti Thoha, Fera Pattinasarany
Operational Manager: Lintang Adi Pradana
General Affair: Ardi Widiyanto, M. Lukman,
Yusuf Martyastiadi, Erwin Imam Santoso
Publication / Stage Manager:Gustaf Mamangkey
Transportation :Yansen Thoha, Warni Foster
Documentation :Daniel Stassen (Coordinator), Joshua Mark

It is a pleasure to thank a number of institutions who made this event possible. We are deeply sincere gratitude to The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Canberra that has been supporting us for these current years by giving encouraging inspiration and grants for the event improvements. We also want to express our sincere thanks the Townsville City Council for giving us permission to commence this event, supported us with grant, and offered suggestions with regards to the event program developments. We wish to thank the other sponsors as well include James Cook University International Student Centre (JCU ISA), James Cook University Student Association (JCU SA), The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Sydney, The Australian Army, 4TO FM, Miss Sushi, and The Indonesian Community North Queensland for the grant support. We would like to give warm thank to LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia), DKP (Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan) Raja Ampat, PPIA (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Australia) Pusat - Canberra, and Riverway for the contributions made to the Indonesian Festival 2008. In addition, we also want to give our sincere gratitude to the guest performers: Alex Salvador from The Rhythm Connection, Stephanie and Lily from The Ngulumburu Boonyah, and Celli from The Filipino- Australian Affiliation of NQ, Inc. (FAANQ) for the outstanding performances in IndoFest 2008 adding more color to our event. Without the sponsors, partners, guest performers and the team work of committee, it would not be possible to achieve the success of Indonesian Festival 2008.
Warm greetings between the two nations Indonesia-Australia is reflected in the friendship remarks addressed by Cr Dale Last (Councillor of Townsville City Council) and Mr Edy Wardoyo
(Acting of Consulate General / Consul for Consular Affairs). Other representatives of The Indonesian General Consulate - Sydney are Mr Johhny Anwar Radjadin (Consul for Immigration Affairs) and Mr Fery Iswandy (Vice Consul for Protocol and Consular Affairs).
Photo courtesy: Yusuf 'G-peng' Martiyastiadi, Joshua Mark, Dian Latifah, M. Lukman