Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Critical assessment of ecotourism development in Raja Ampat

confirmation of minor thesis

"Critical assessment of ecotourism development in Raja Ampat"

Name: Maulita Sari Hani
Master Student in Ecotoruism
School of Environmental Science
School of Business
Ass.Prof. Gianna Moscardo
Dr. Alastair Birtles

INTISARI (Bahasa):
Pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development) saat ini merupakan konsep yang telah dikembangkan meluas. Konsep ini mengintegrasikan kebijakan2 sosial, ekonomi dan budaya. Konsep ini pun dapat diaplikasikan untuk pengembangan wisata berkelanjutan melalui ekowisata dengan studi kasus di Ekowisata Raja Ampat, Papua Barat - Indonesia. Metode analisis adalah 'critical assessment' mencakup bidang-bidang sbb: (1) identifikasi potensi rute dan object/produk ekowisata; (2) identifikasi potensi dampak ekowista terhadap aspek2 lingkungan, sosial dan budaya ; (3) mengkaji apakah ekowisata mampu berperan dalam meningkatkan konservasi keanekaragaman hayati; (4) mengkaji apakah ekowisata mampu berperan sebagai pembangunan alternatif yang berdayaguna dan sejalan dengan mekanisme pembangunan ekonomi; (5) identifikasi potensi ekonomi dari pengembangan ekowisata; (6) mengkaji kapasitas komunitas setempat dalam berpartisipasi mengmebnagkan ekowisata. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi kebijakan pemerintah dan perencanaan dalam hal prioritas dan aktivitas ekowisata serta rekomendasi model pembangunan ekowisata yang berkelanjutan dan berdayaguna ('viable').

Sustainable development is now widely promoted as a holistic concept that aims to integrate social, economic and cultural policies to ensure high-quality growth in the context to which it is applied. Particularly in peripheral areas, such as Raja Ampat, West Papua - Indonesia, it has the potential to contribute to sustainable tourism development through ecotourism.

Ecotourism is a segment of the tourism delivery system where the principles of sustainable tourism are applied to all activities, operations, processes and enterprises involved. It has the potential role for biodiversity conservation, economic growth, community empowerment and sustainable development. In order to achieved sucessful ecotourism, sustainability must be defined temporally, designate who is to receive the benefits, and determine at what levels the four systems are to be continued.

To achieve the successful ecotourism development in Raja Ampat, I believe that there is a need of critical assessment to analyze the potential of ecotourism in this region. The assessment itself are focus on a number of areas of investigation: (1) identify potential ecotourism routes and products in the research area, (2) identify potential environmental, cultural and social impacts of eco-tourism development, (3) assess and determine if and how ecotourism can play a role in enhancing biodiversity conservation, (4) assess and determine if and how ecotourism can play a role as a viable alternative development and economic development mechanism in the regions studied, (5) identify the potential economic development of ecotourism, (6) assess the community capacity with regard to participation in ecotourism development.

At the end of this study, I will recommend ecotourism priorities and activities in order to develop appropriate ecotourism policy and planning and I will also develop a viable ecotourism sustainability model through marine ecotourism.



Dian Latifah said...

Ecotourisms in neighbouring countries has generated some kind of an encouragement for Indonesia for not being left behind. "Visit Paradise with JCU" is a first-Zoology subject held by Dr Simon Robson (JCU Zoologist) that is eco-tourism-oriented in which involving Malaysia Goverment to cooperate with a world-class education institution-James Cook University. A well known similar program, I could say a pioneer, is Earthwatch involving many countries worldwide. Ideas of protecting Indonesia biodiversity is always amazing, however Indonesia should be more open-up for education and ecoutorism in order to digging up our richness not only a "property" but "a knowledge". Go on.. Lita..!!

Dian Latifah said...


Ecoutourism di negara-negara tetangga kita sudah sedemikian berkembang. James Cook Univ bekerjasama dengan Malaysia menembus belantara Borneo untuk sebuah mata kuliah. Earthwatch sudah sekian lama bermain dalam bidang ini bekerjasama dengan negara-negara sedunia untuk menguak hutan raya bagi generasi muda. Upaya proteksi biodiversitas Indonesia sungguh mengagumkan, namun perlu dibarengi dengan upaya lebih terbuka dan kooperatif sehingga biodiversitas kita tidak hanya menjadi sebuah 'kekayaan' semata tapi 'memberikan sumbangsih kepada dunia ilmu pengetahuan' secara global.

Anonymous said...

mas mas dan mbak2 semuanya
salam kenal..saya ingin
sekali melanjutkan studi
ke jcu bisa ga kasih info
profesor di bidang
kehutanan? makasih

Dian Latifah said...

thanks Tomo.. we'll contact you soon..